Buddha Sakiyamuni (563-483 BCE)
(Council of 500 Arhats in Rajgir ca. 483 BCE)
(Council of 700 Arhants in Vaishālī ca. 383 or 373 BCE)
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| |_Vajjiputtaka
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| |_Dhammuttariyā (Those who elevate the Dharma)
| |_Bhadrayānika (Those who adhere to the Vehicle of the Wise)
| |_Candāgārika
| |_Sammitī
| |_Vajjiputtiya
(Council of 1000 monks at Pataliputra ca 346 BCE)
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| |_Mahāsāmghika/Ekavyavahārika (The great assembly)/(Those who hold to only one-considering samsāra and nirvāna as fictitious denominations)
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| |_Lokottaravādin (Kukkūtagirikas/?Kukkutika)(Those whose doctrines are based on supramundane views)-------------------------------7th century------>
| |_Mūla-mahāsāmghika
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| |_Uttarashaila
| |_Caityaka (Shailas)(Pūrvashailas)(?Caityashaila)
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| | |_Pūrvashaila (dwell on the Eastern mountains) 2nd century BCE
| | |_Aparashaila (dwell on the Western mountains) 2nd century BCE (declared by Kanishta's Council as holding heretical views )
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| |_Gokulika (? Kaurukullaka?)
| | |_Pannatti
| | |_Bahulikā
| | |_Cetiya
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| |_Chaitika
| |_Prajñaptivādin (Those who follow the doctrine of separation between real teaching and fictitious denomination) -------------7th century------>
| |_Bahushrutīya (Those who have heard much)
| |_Haimavata (Those who live on the snowy mountains)
|_Vibhajyavādin (Those who are concerned with distinctions)
|_Sthaviravāda (Those who follow the doctrine of the Elders)
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| |_Mūla-sthavira
| |_Mahāvihāravāsin----------??Theravada-------------------------------------------------------------------------7th century------>----------21st century------------------->
| |_Jetavanīya
| |_Abhayagirivāsin
|_Sarvāstivādin--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------7th century India------>
|_Mulasarvāstivādin---------------The Vinaya of this school is still used in the modern Vajrayana---------- 21th century
|_Dharmaguptaka (founded by Dharmagupta) -------------------------------------------------------------7th century-- outside of India ---->
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| |_Vinaya----------------------------------------------------------------7th century------------21st century----------> Shakya
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| |_Vinaya School--------------------------------------------------->Tao-shuan, T'ang Dynasty
|_Vātsiputrīya (Pudgalavāda) founded by Vātsīputra-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------7th century----------------------->
| |_Dharmottarīka----------------------------------------------------------------------------(Champa Cochin)----7th century->|
| |_Bhadrāyanīya------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------7th century (Indonesia)--->|
| |_Sannagarika (Those who live in the dense forest)
| |_Sammatīya
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| |_Avantaka------------------------------------------------------------------------7th century--(South India)---->
| |_Kaurukullaka-------------------------------------------------------------------------7th century Gujarat------->
|_Mahīshāsaka founded by Mahāshasaka------------------------7th century--- outside of India --->
| |_Dhammaguttika
| |_Sabbattha
| |_Kassapiyā (/Kāshyapīya (Suvarasaka/Suvarsa?) founded by Kāshyapa)------------------------------------------------------7th century --- outside of India --->
| |_Samkantika
| |_Suttavāda (Sūtravādin)
|_ ca. BCE/CE Sautrāntika/Samkrāntivā/Samkrānti(ka/vada)/Dārstāntika (Those who accept only the Sūtras as authority)/(Those who consider that the five skandhas carry over from existence to existence)/-claim that the Abhidharma is not the words of the Buddha------>
|_?Tāmrashātīya (Samkrāntikas or Uttatraīyas/Uttararīya?) (founded by Tamrashata)
|_Vijñānavāda(in) (proponents of consciousness)
|_Cittamātra (Mind only)--(?Yogācara?)